I took photos at St. James cemetery in St. Paul, Lee County, Iowa. I took a list of graves from Find-A-Grave that didn't have photos posted. I started near the back of the cemetery, going grave by grave, checking the list to see if a photo was needed. If so, I took the picture and moved to the next. Once I got home, I added those I needed (most of them - I'm related to 40% of the people in this cemetery) to my database and posted them all to Find-A-Grave. The percent photographed showed 24% when I started. It now shows 42% photographed.
While taking the photos, I set up my GoPro Hero3 camera to take time-lapse photos of the clouds and sunset. I think the video is pretty stunning:
The thing I was most excited about on this trip was my visit to Sts. John and Paul Church in Burlington. They allowed me to page through the old books.
I hoped I would find something recorded regarding the childhood of Elizabeth (Lizzie) Dunzinger Panther in the old church books. The only thing I found regarding Lizzie was the record of her marriage to Alois Panther. I hoped to find more but I was very happy to find this.
It has one tidbit of new information. It lists the people who stood for them at their wedding. The best man was Theodore Panther, Alois' nephew. The maid of honor was Carolina Ziegelmueller. While it doesn't state the relation, this proves Lizzie was close to the Ziegelmueller family. The handwritten note on the newspaper article about the Wagners and Ziegelmuellers states that she is related to them. I just need to prove how.
I found other pertinent records in the church books. Here is a list:
St. John's Church Baptismal Book No. 2 page 46:

4 January, 1857 - Lewis Leonard Ziegelmuller, born on 20 November 1853 of Joseph Ziegelmuller and Carolina his wife. Sponsors were Leonard Ziegelmuller and Walburga Wagner.
4 January, 1857 - Joseph John Ziegelmueller, born on 6 November last (1856) of Joseph Ziegelmuller and Carolina his wife. Sponsors were John Spaniard and Juliana Ziegelmuller.
4 January 1857 - Juliana Wagner, born 3 November, 1841 of Andreas Wagner and Sophia, his wife. Sponsors were Juliana Ziegelmuller and Charles Wagner.
St. John's Church Baptismal Book No. 2 page 47:

4 January 1857 - Maria Wagner, born 20 November 1843 of Andreas Wagner and Sophia, his wife. Sponsors were Joseph Ziegelmuller and Carolina Ziegelmuller.
page 79 of the St. John's Baptismal Book No. 2:
May 1860 - Karl Wagner, born of Nicolaus and Carolina Wagner on March 12, 1860. Sponsors were Conrad Tram and Anna Steffen.
7 June 1860 - Edward Wagner, born of Karl and Walburga Wagner on 1 November, 1859. Sponsors were Edward and Klara Melchior.
St. John's Burlington, Burlington, Iowa, Birth, Marriage and Death Book, 1841-1852, page 39:

4 February, 1849 - Mary Hildegard Ziegelmuller, "born before this month" of Leonard Ziegelmuller and Juliana his wife. Sponsors Charles Wagner and Walburga Wagner.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Marriage Book, 1855-1890, Page 34:

Marriage # 10 in 1866: Vincentius Traub and Cunigunda Wiegert - son of Mauritius Traub and Helena Kirn and daughter of Bernard Wiegert and Martha Schmieder
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Parish
Marriage Book 1855-1890 Pages 78-79

Theodore Panther and Ida Niemann marriage on October 5, 1890. Previous information shows marriage occurring on October 4.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Baptismal Records Book 2 Page 74:

Edward Wagner, son of Karl and Walburga Wagner, born November 1, 1859, baptized June 7, 1860.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Baptismal Records Book 2 Page 84:

17 July, 1861, Maria Catherina Ziegelmuller, born 13 July, 1861 to Leonard Ziegelmuller and Juliana Ziegelmuller (Wagner). Sponsors were Johannes and Catharina Jaeger.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Baptismal Records Book 1, Page 55

14 March, 1850, Carolina Wagner, born November 16, 1849 to Charles Wagner and Walburga, his wife. Sponsors were Leonard Ziegelmuller and Julia Wagner.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Marriage Book 1855-1890, Page 85

28 September 1885, Leonard Ziegelmuller married to Mary Margaret Stoll. Witnesses (difficult to read): AJ Stanter and ? Saling?
Next entry:
29 September 1885, Charles Haag married to Emma Ponder
Witnesses: Henry Ponder and Maria Haag
We know these "Ponders" are Panthers.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Marriage Book 1855-1890, Page 80:

Joseph Beck married to Carolina Ziegelmuller, November 22, 1881
Witnesses Wilhelm Dote(?) and Walburga Berk
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Baptismal Records Book 2 Pages 38-39:

Johanes Franciscus (John Francis) Panther, son of Ferdinand Panther and Amelia Traub, born 5 August, 1869, baptized 26 September, 1869. Sponsors: Christian Berg and Sophia Traub.
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, St. John's Parish Baptismal Book Volume 2 Page 55

Kosca (?) Traub, born 7 July, 1870 to Frederick and Cunigunda Traub, baptized 26 September 1870. Sponsors were Joseph Lehman and Carolina Traub.
Finally, when I got back home, I found a letter from the New York City Municipal Archives. It states that a search was performed for the birth record of Elizabeth Dunzinger in 1854 in New York City, the borrough of Manhattan, and no record was found. I'm still detemined to verify who her parents are.
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